8 Mayıs 2012 Salı


    Optimist people always think that good things will happen.(Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary.) That is, these people approach every kind of situation in a positive mood. They do not let anything hurt their feelings. In addition, the people who are optimistic believe that there are loads of reasons to be cheerful in the universe. To illustrate, if they face a trouble, they do not think that they are unlucky. Instead of feeling hopeless, they try to look for a solution and believe that they will experience better events in the future. The name of this attitude is optimism. According to optimism, it is possible to see the positive sides of everything if we really want.
    To begin with, there is a sharp distinction between optimism and pessimism which means that the negative events are more dominant than the positive ones in the universe. While people, who believe optimism, are able to get rid of their anxiety, fear or hopelessness and enjoy their life, the people who have a viewpoint, which is pessimism cannot be happy in an easy way. What is more, the people who share this negative viewpoint cannot come across good events since they always think and believe that the negative things will come and find them in the end. However, the people who believe in optimism can easily experience good events, because they send positive messages to the universe.
    Furthermore, optimist people benefit from the results of thinking in a positive way. First of all, they are loved by everyone since they think and speak in a good manner all the time. Secondly, these people do not feel themselves lonely. In other words, they can make friends easily, because they lead others to be cheerful. Optimist individuals motivate the people around them. Lastly, since the people, who share optimistic viewpoint, want to see the good sides of every situation, live in more healthy conditions than the others.
    To sum up, optimism is a viewpoint which leads people to think and believe that positive events are dominant than the negative ones. This view encourages people to think that it is possible to face goodness all the time in the world. In addition, according to optimism, people can overcome every situation by thinking the positive sides. Apart from optimism, there is a viewpoint called pessimism, which means thinking that bad things will happen all the time. There is a huge distinction between these two beliefs. However, people who believe the power of optimism are able to be happy in any case. Due to this, they do not have difficulty in making loads of friends. They are loved by everyone without any hesitation.

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